Physiotherapy is the restoration of 'normal movement' whether it be human or animal. Optimum movement patterns are key to successfully achieving goals, no matter how big or small, and allows maximum comfort in the process. Physiotherapy is designed to assess and locate these movement dysfunctions taking into account the whole body.
Chartered Physiotherapists have trained extensively in anatomy biomechanics, physiology and more recently in pain science. With the addition of pain science Physiotherapists are now able to identify a wider range of potential contributors to pain a patient may experience. This is important as both pain and adapted movement patterns are regulated by the brain. When pain is resolved, normal movement patterns do not necessarily reactivate automatically which can result in pain that persists or reoccurs. In addition, research on pain science has resulted in a shift in treatment from being single-mindedly focussed on eliminating pain in certain chronic conditions to valuing the broader goal of restoring patients to the life roles that are meaningful to them which in turn leads to a better quality of life.
This is why ACPAT Chartered Physiotherapists work holistically with each individual and work with all members of the team including vets, farriers, saddlers and trainers. Physiotherapy can then use a whole range of treatment techniques and not just one or two. This multi-disciplinary, holistic, multi-modal approach is key to achieving the best for you and your animal.